Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF)

The aim of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF) is to create a coherent and comprehensive system of clas­sification of all qualifications obtained from formal, non-formal education and informal learning in Greece. This will be done gradually. In this first phase, the objective is the classification of qualifications within the formal educational system of the country. At a later stage a classification system will be developed for qualifications acquired through non-formal education and informal learning.

The Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF) is a single tool or a mechanism, which facilitates transparency and comparability in the Greek context. It will be a benefit for students, graduates and stakeholders of the Greek labour market. On the other hand, in accordance with the common European strategy “Europe 2020”, which aims at smart, sustainable and inclusive growth the Hellenic Qualifications Framework and its referencing to the European Qualifications Framework provides a tool for “translating” and comparing qualifications and aims at becoming an opportunity to help promote the mobility of learners and employees.

Architectural structure of the HQF

The architecture of the HQF is simple and, above all, functional:

Levels - Learning Outcomes - Descriptors - Types of Qualifications

The current needs of the country as well as the relevant European and international developments were taken into account when designing the Hellenic Qualifications Framework.

  • The 8 Levels of HQF cover the entire range of qualifications, from compulsory education to higher education. Each level is defined by descriptions of the knowledge, skills and competence which determine the learning outcomes for this particular level.
  • Learning outcomes, i.e. what a person knows, understands and is able to do upon completion of a learning process, are classified into knowledge, skills and competence. The qualifications have the form of learning outcomes which are classified into levels.
  • Level descriptors are the defining element of the structure and will provide the mechanism for the referencing of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework to the EQF. Learning outcomes corresponding to the qualifications of a specific level are defined by descriptors, which are determined by qualitative and quantitative grading of knowledge, skills and competencies.
  • Types of Qualifications are the instrument that will allow the classification of Greek qualifications into the levels of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework, as well as enabling the comparison between them. Each qualification type will have a Type Specification that will describe the characteristics of qualifications of that type. Qualification types can constitute the basis for the subsequent development of new qualifications in the future. Given that level descriptors and Types of Qualifications serve different functions, they also feature different charac­teristics:
    • The level descriptors give a relatively short description, are general and totally independent of the field of learning.
    • The Types of Qualifications are relatively extensive; they enrich the content of the level descriptors to provide descriptions of the learning outcomes for the type; in addition, they describe key characteristics of qualifications of the type, such as the purpose, the learning process, the transition arrangements, as well as the connection to employment.
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